
User Guide



todo <task description> - Create a todo task

Creates and adds to the list of tasks a todo task with the task description. Upon creation, the todo task is not completed and does not have any supplementary notes.

Example of usage:

todo relax and distress

Expected outcome:

Todo example

deadline <task description> /by <date & time> - Create a deadline task

Creates and adds to the list of tasks a deadline task with the task description and a deadline @ date time. Do note that the date time has a specific format of dd/MM/yyyy HHmm, such as 18/09/2019 2359.

Example usage:

deadline iP w6 stuff /by 18/09/2019 2359

Expected outcome:

Deadline example

event <task description> /at <date & time period> - Create an event

Creates and adds to the list of tasks an event with the task description, and will occur at the given date & time period. Do note that there is no specific format for the date and time for events.

Example of usage:

event cs2103t meeting /at 19/09/2019 1-2pm

Expected outcome:

Event example

list - Show the list of tasks

Lists out the tasks in order of creation. Each task will be displayed in the following format: id.[task type][is completed] task description (any other information)

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

List example

done <id> - Mark task as completed

Marks the task with the id as completed.

Example of usage:

done 2

Expected outcome:

Done example

find <keyword or phrase> - Find tasks with matching keyword

Searches for tasks that contain the given keyword or phrase and lists all matching tasks out.

Example of usage:

find stress

Expected outcome:

Find example

setnotes (id) <note content> - Set notes

If id is given, the note with note content will be set to the task with the id. This task note will be displayed together with the task it is attached to. Otherwise, the note will be set as a general note.

Example of usage 1 (set notes to task):

setnotes 1 i promise i will get there soon

Expected outcome 1 (set notes to task):

Set notes to task example

Example of usage 2 (set general notes):

setnotes i will probably want to complete all these in 20min

Expected outcome 2 (set general notes):

Set general notes example

listnotes - List all general notes

Lists all general notes in order of creation.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

List general notes example

deletenotes general <id> - Delete a general note

Deletes the general note with the id amongst general notes (their numbers when listed with listnotes).

Example of usage:

deletenotes general 1

Expected outcome:

Delete general notes example

deletenotes task <id> - Delete a task’s note

Deletes the note of task with the id.

Example of usage:

deletenotes task 1

Expected outcome:

Delete task notes example

delete <task id> - Delete a task

Deletes the task with the id.

Example of usage:

delete 2

Expected outcome:

Delete task example